Everytime I turn on the news I her about indexs falling and people getting scared because they might loose millions! Pah, if they've got it they can loose it in my mind.
My fears are simpler than that. What if I can't afford to buy Chicken anymore, I love chicken but it's expensive as it is, eversince that guy with the name I can't remeber coz it's too long stuck his neb into it. Two chickens for a fiver was just up my street thank you very much! Now you can't get enough breast to feed the family for under a fiver unless it's on offer!
Right now I couldn't care less for the underpaid seamstresses - warm jersey for my Daughter = £1- Thank you very much, I'll have 2! No light for 40days then they die chickens - Feeds my family for four days + a pot of soup - Thank you very much, I'll have 2 for £5.
Why does everything have to be soooo PC. In times of economic meltdown the only person I'm gonna be caring about are me and mine. Charity donations are at an all time low - no bloody wonder - Charity Begins at home in this house I'm afraid.
Another thing I can't stand is people moaning one week about how skint they are and then the next week they are flashing off another new pair of trainers while sparking up a fag!!!!
I'll stop ranting now, can you tell that something ticked me off. :)
Comment if you want, just remember I'm not preaching it's just My Blog and My Opinion, you don't have to agree with it!
I hear ya sister. Over on this side of the pond my problem is also wanting fresh produce. DH and I are trying to be healthy so we eat tons of veggies and fruit. If we want to save on groceries, we'd have to cut that out, and we don't like canned.
Hang in there!
PS the new blog look is nice.
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