I went to my first ever 'Stitch n Bitch' tonight and it was FABBY!
I was soooooo excited to go, I thought it was on TUESDAY but it wasn't so after a day or twos delay I got all excited all over again today, on THURSDAY, the right day for the knit and natter at my Local Yarn Store.
My Darling Luffly Husband was looking after our two kids for the evening so I was running round trying to do some last minute tyding up, putting jammies on the kids, getting supper ready so everything was kinda already done ;) Then I checked my watch and found out I was late.
By The time I'd got ten mins out the village I realised that all the running around had made me work up quite a sweat and I had.....BO!
ICK just what you want when you're meeting a bunch of new people for the first time hehe... sorry girls, I'll be more relaxed and leave time to shower next time .
There were so many lovely projects on the go, can't wait for the next one to see the progress. It's only 14 sleeps, hehe. I'm like a kid waiting for christmas to come around again.
You weren't smelly honey, I promise!!!
hehe... your too nice, maybe my armpit was to close to my nose lol.
Thanks for my first comment by the way.
There should have been a prize for the first person to leave a comment... but there wasn't hehe!
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