Oooh! Pretty Pink Dresses!

My Darling Luffly Daughter runs around in jeans and T-shirt coz I have NOOOOO fashion sense and I have a staple of Jeans and polo shirts in my wardrob and that is it :)

Recently however my daughter has been running around with anything pink and floaty on her head prancing about and saying 'me a princess, me a princess!'

You don't get much more of a hint from a 2 year old that the jeans just aren't cutting it anymore lol :)

So I ordered the Sew Baby Reversible Sundress Patternand got some really pretty fabric from my favourite fabric shop The Mad Crafter and made her a pretty dress to wear, Ta Daaaaaaa! (as my Luffly Darling Daughter would say lol)

It only took me one night to cut it all out and sew it all together and that included transfering the pattern for her size on to Vilene first. I was SO proud when I finished it (@1am) that I hung it on a hanger and chased upstairs to show it my Darling Luffly Husband (who wasn't feeling well and had been a sleep for hours, oops) He was groggy and said "Ooo yeah it's pretty" then went back to sleep. The funniest thing was he was all surpised at the pretty dress hanging on the wardrobe door in the morning as he remembered little of being woke up in the middle of the night hehe!

The that day she wore it to go to nursery. I'd said to the ladies there that she was going to grannies afterward to show off Mummys handywork, (modest ain't I lol) But when her Dad went to pick her up (that's a whole different post BTW) she didn't have the dress on anymore !?! Just aswell she had the T-shirt and Jeans on underneath, the dress had been a tad on the short side (my Daughter is tall for her age) and I didn't have any tights for her and it was cold outside lol :) Turns out the nursery staff were afraid of her getting paint on it!!! lmao

Pumpkin in The Dark!!!

pumpkin in the Dark 2008

Originally uploaded by BobbinD

This is gonna be a short blog, I dunno whats wrong, started 3 times and found nothing more to say than - here is my Pumpkin, I was well proud of it, my daughter was amazed by it and all the kids that came to Trick or Treat thought that it was ace.

So there it is... A Cheeky Jack O Lantern for my Daughters First Halloween.