As I left I did have a wonder about the success of my plan of leaving a man in charge of my kitchen. I had left full instructions on what to do when the timer went off and left him a tin of Baked Beans out as subtle stearing away from Meatloaf sandwiches :) My Darling Luffly Husband is an intelligent human being but ultimatly a man all the same so my wondering was valid I thought.
When I got home I was starving. I was expecting to go in to dried up meatloaf and a full can of beans but what I got was a pleasant surprise. My Darling Luffly Husband had covered the remaining Meatloaf and had left me a portion of beans so all I had to do was slice and microwave and sit down and enjoy.
So I reckon that leaving My Man in charge of the Kitchen wasn't the disaster that may have been in many other kitchens up and down the country. It's all in the training girls!!!
P.S. I love you Darling, don't ever change.
400g mince, a HUGE onion finely diced, Salt and Pepper (more than you think), 4 stale bread rolls wizzed in the blender mixed with a egg and some milk til it's squishy.
Put everythig in a big bowl and mix with your hands till it's all combined then add a big squirt of ketchup (a la Roseanne Barr) and mix it again.
Stuff it all into a greased 2lb loaf tin then bake for about a hour at 180 degrees.